ELC 2023 Call for Abstracts

The English Language Center of the College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, is pleased to announce that it is calling for proposals for the 2023 ELC International Conference to be held at Shantou University, 14-16 April 2023.

The theme of the conference is Fostering a New ELT Ecology: Movers, Shakers, and Innovators.  

The ecological analogy of ELT recognizes not only the interplay of all elements involved in language education but also the interaction between ELT and its physical and social environments. Currently, the system is very dynamic with changes in many aspects: English language use begins to detach its Anglo-American roots; multilingualism gains influence on language planning; and technology expands the choices of teaching and learning platforms, materials, and methods, to list just a few. The flux and complexity of the system call for innovative thinking and practices in response to issues such as the contextualization of ELT, critical approaches to English language policy and curriculum design, re-envisioning ELT practices in consideration of learner’s diverse needs and goals, exploring alternatives to standardized English proficiency tests for the prediction of effective intercultural communication, enhancement of teachers’ and learners’ agency, and the application of technology to facilitate learning and promote educational equality. Various stakeholders of ELT, including policymakers, educational leaders, professional bodies, curriculum designers, course developers, language instructors, and learners, can all act upon the opportunities or challenges emerging from this transition and trigger the evolution of ELT. This conference seeks to engage in critical discussions of relevant innovations and foster a new ELT ecology.

The Organizing Committee welcomes original research, best practices, and theoretical debates, addressing issues that are relevant to, but are not limited to, the following strands:

  • Ecology and ELT

  • ELT and global competence

  • ELT policies and curriculum design

  • ELT methods and pedagogy

  • Materials development for language learning

  • Language testing and assessment

  • ELT teacher education and cognition

  • Content and language integrated learning

  • Technology-enhanced ELT

  • Language learner needs and autonomy

  • ELT and critical literacies

  • ELT and translation


• Each and every presenter/participant is expected to register online for a user account.

• By using the account, the presenter can then submit a proposal online.

• Each presenter can submit up to two proposals.

• Title of Presentation: no longer than 20 words

• Proposal: between 200-350 words

• Bio statement of Presenter(s): between 70 and 100 words

  • Types of presentations:

    • • Paper presentation (20 minutes + 5 minutes Q & A): Report on recent unpublished research and on best practice

    • • Poster presentation (90 minutes): Display work in progress or completed research results on a notice board with Q&A

    • • Panel/colloquium session (40 minutes+10 minutes Q& A): 3-4 presentations that address one conference strand (e.g. Technology enhanced ELT)

    • • Workshop (50 minutes): Demonstrate new approaches and provide opportunity for engagement in best practices

• Deadline for Submission: 27 November, 2022

For further information, please refer to the Call for Abstracts.

ELC 2023 Call for Abstracts