Dr Willy A RENANDYA is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches applied linguistics courses at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has given numerous plenary presentations at regional and international conferences and published extensively in the area of second language education. His latest publications include Simple, Powerful Strategies for Student Centered Learning with George Jacobs and Michael Power (2016, Springer), and Student Centered Cooperative Learning with George Jacobs (2019, Springer). He maintains an active language teacher professional development forum called Teacher Voices: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teachervoices/.
On the surface, English language teaching (ELT) experts may appear to hold diverging views about factors that contribute most to L2 proficiency. But upon closer inspection, their views about the nature of language learning and how best to acquire a language in instructed second or foreign language learning contexts tend to converge rather than diverge. In this presentation, I discuss eight research-based principles that respected ELT scholars (e.g., Beniko Mason, Paul Nation, Richard Day, Sy-Ying Lee and Stephen Krashen) tend to agree to be of great importance in facilitating language development. These principles are summarized using the acronym FLAMINGOS (F = Fluency, L = Lexis, A = Amount and intensity of instruction, M = Motivation, IN = Input, G = Grammar, O = Output and S = Set expressions). Each of these principles will be discussed and practical suggestions on how they can be applied in diverse L2 teaching contexts will be offered.